
Quick Install

To quickly get started with Pathway, you can install it via pip with the following command:

pip install -U pathway

It will install all basic dependencies to run your Pathway pipelines, including our powerful Rust engine.

Install Pathway

⚠️ Pathway is available on MacOS and Linux. Pathway is currently not supported on Windows. Windows users may want to use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), docker, or a VM.

To jumpstart a Pathway project, quickly check our cookiecutter template.

Try Pathway in just a few clicks

Ready to see what Pathway can do? Try one of our easy-to-run examples! Available in both notebook and docker formats, these ready-to-launch examples can be launched in just a few clicks. Pick one and start your hands-on experience with Pathway today!

Optional packages

We separated dependencies into several groups to allow users to have better control over what is installed.

  • For a standard usage of the Live Data Framework, run pip install pathway. It will install the Rust engine and everything required to run the Live Data Framework. No external LLM-based libraries will be installed.
  • To run the AI pipelines or to build Live AI systems, consider running pip install "pathway[xpack-llm]", which will install all common LLM libraries, such as OpenAI, Langchain, etc.

You can install several options at once, for example pip install "pathway[xpack-llm, airbyte]". For more information, please visit our pyproject.toml file, which describes the content of all groups.

PackageInstallation CommandDescriptionNotes
Basic LLM Toolingpip install "pathway[xpack-llm]"Install common LLM libraries (OpenAI, Langchain, LlamaIndex)Learn more / Examples
Local LLM Deploymentpip install "pathway[xpack-llm-local]"Libraries for local deployment
Parsing Documentspip install "pathway[xpack-llm-docs]"Tools for working with documents (PDFs, Microsoft Word)
Airbyte Connectorpip install "pathway[airbyte]"Support for AirbyteExample
SharePoint Connectorpip install "pathway[xpack-sharepoint]"Support for SharePointRequires a (free) license key
Allpip install "pathway[all]"Install all the optional packages


You can also use Pathway with Docker. The official Pathway Docker image is available on Docker Hub. You can pull and run the image using the following command:

docker pull pathwaycom/pathway

For more detailed instructions on how to run Pathway with Docker, please refer to our dedicated article.

License key

Pathway is distributed on a BSL 1.1 License which allows for unlimited non-commercial use, as well as use of the Pathway package for most commercial purposes, free of charge. The code in the associated repository automatically converts to Open Source (Apache 2.0 License) after 4 years. Some public repos which are complementary to this one (examples, libraries, connectors, etc.) are licensed as Open Source, under the MIT license.

Some features of Pathway such as monitoring or advanced connectors (e.g., SharePoint) require a free license key. To obtain a free license key, you need to register here.

Pathway enterprise package installation

heroicons:information-circle-20-solidUse python3.10 or above

Configure pip to use private PyPI repository

Create or modify the pip configuration file to point to your private repository.

Add the following to ~/.pip/pip.conf:

extra-index-url = https://<username>:<password>@<URL>

Install the package:

pip install -U pathway

Alternatively extra index url can be passed directly to the install command:

pip install -U pathway --extra-index-url=https://<username>:<password>@<URL>
heroicons:information-circle-20-solidReplace <URL>, <username> and <password> with credentials obtained from Pathway.

Using Pathway with enterprise license

To use Pathway with an enterprise license, obtain the license file from Pathway and set the license key using one of the following methods:

  1. Environment variable

Or inlined

  1. Directly in the python code
import pathway as pw


# or linlined
pw.set_license_key("""-----BEGIN LICENSE FILE-----
-----END LICENSE FILE-----""")