Quick Overview of Pathway
This page is a summary of what you need to know about to start programming with Pathway. If you want to learn more about the core concepts of Pathway, you can read the dedicated article.
Import Pathway
You can quickly install Pathway with a simple pip command: pip install pathway
Then, you simply have to import Pathway as any other Python library:
import pathway as pw
Define your Data Schema:
Schemas in Pathway define the structure of your data tables. They describe the data types and names of the columns, ensuring that your data is well-organized and consistent.
For instance, when reading a data source, you specify a schema to map the incoming data:
class InputSchema(pw.Schema):
colA: int
colB: float
colC: str
Here, the InputSchema specifies three columns: colA (an integer), colB (a float) and colC (a string). Schemas define the structure of the data, ensuring type safety and optimizing runtime performance.
Pathway supports the following basic data types: bool
, str
, bytes
, int
, and float
Pathway also supports more complex data types, such as the Optional
data type or temporal data types (datetime.datetime
Tables are Pathway objects that can actually store the data. These are composed of columns, each of which keeps data of the same type, just like in relational databases.
In Pathway, you need to use a connector to create a table from a data source. Connectors read and ingest, in real-time, data from your chosen data sources.
Here's an example of a connector that uses InputSchema
to read CSV files from the ./data/
directory and outputs a table:
input_table = pw.io.csv.read('./data/', schema=InputSchema)
Here is a small sample of Pathway input connectors:
Input Connectors | Example |
CSV connector | pw.io.csv.read('./data/', schema=InputSchema) |
Kafka connector | pw.io.kafka.read(rdkafka_settings, topic="example", schema=InputSchema, format="csv") |
SQLite connector | pw.io.sqlite.read('./data_path/', table_name, schema=InputSchema) |
Google Drive connector | pw.io.gdrive.read(object_id='***', service_user_credentials_file="credentials.json") |
Pathway comes with many more connectors, including an Airbyte connector that allows you to connect to 300+ sources. You can find the list of available connectors on our connector page.
Once your input data is specified, you can now define your data pipeline using Pathway transformations. These, under the hood, are written in Rust meaning that they are very efficient.
Here is an example of a simple transformation composed of filtering and summing by groups:
filtered_table = input_table.filter(input_table.colA > 0)
result_table = (
Here is a small sample of the operations you can do in Pathway:
Category | Operations | Example |
Arithmetic operations | +, -, *, /, //, %, ** | t.select(new_col = t.colA + t.colB) |
Comparison operations | ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= | t.select(new_col = t.colA <= t.colB) |
Boolean operations | & (AND), | (OR), ~ (NOT), ^ (XOR) | t.select(new_col = t.colA & (t.colB < 3)) |
Filtering | filter | t.filter(pw.this.column > value) |
Applying a function | pw.apply | t.select(new_col=pw.apply(func, pw.this.colA)) |
Performing a SQL command | pw.sql | pw.sql(query, tab=t) |
Pathway comes with more advanced transformations such as Group-by and Aggregation and Join Operations. You can find the list of Pathway basic operations in our guide.
Temporal transformations
As a data stream processing framework, Pathway also provides temporal operations:
Category | Operations | Example |
Windowing operations | windowby (sliding, tumbling, session) reduce | t.windowby(t.time, window=pw.temporal.tumbling(duration=...),...).reduce(...) |
ASOF now join | asof_now_join | t1.asof_now_join(t2, t1.t, t2.t, t1.name==t2.name, how=..., direction=...).select(...) |
Interval join | interval_join (outer, left, right) | t1.interval_join(t2, t1.t, t2.t, pw.temporal.interval(...), t1.col==t2.col).select(...) |
Window join | interval_join (outer, left, right) | t1.window_join(t2, t1.t, t2.t, pw.temporal.sliding(...), t1.col==t2.col).select(...) |
The behavior of temporal operations determines the tradeoff between accuracy, latency, and memory consumption. You can control the behavior of temporal operations to adapt the tradeoff to your application.
Configure the output
Now that your data ingestion and processing are ready, you need to define what to do with the results. Pathway provides output connectors to send the data out of Pathway. For example, you can send the results to a CSV file:
pw.io.csv.write(result_table, './output/')
Here are some Pathway output connectors:
Output Connectors | Example |
CSV connector | pw.io.csv.write(table, './output/') |
Kafka output connector | pw.io.kafka.write(table, rdkafka_settings, topic_name="example", format="json") |
PostgreSQL connector | pw.io.postgres.write(table, output_postgres_settings, "sum_table") |
Google PubSub connector | pw.io.pubsub.write(table, publisher, project_id, topic_id) |
You can find the list of available connectors on our connector page.
Running the pipeline
Once your pipeline is ready, with both connectors and transformations, you can run the computation with the command run:
Pathway listens to the data sources for new updates until the process is terminated: the computation runs forever until the process gets killed. This is the normal behavior of Pathway.
LLM tooling
Pathway comes with an LLM xpack that provides you all the tools you need to use Large Language Models in Pathway. If you are interested, you can learn more here.
Going further
Try our starting examples or learn more about the core concepts of Pathway.